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Summer in October ?! – has ended…

October 7, 2011


-near Skanderborg Søerne (Skanderborg Lakes)

In the middle of this week we finished a coupple of weeks her in Denmark with summer weather!!! We have enjoyed sunny days and temperatures above 20 dgr. C. People have been smiling because at last we had some summer weather 🙂

According to DMI (Danish Meteorological Institute) we had a record-warm October 1, 2011: 26.9 degrees C is the hottest temperature ever measured in October in Denmark!


But: Maybe these heat records are not only good – they might also be a bad warning of climate change that will affect our lives dramatically for years to come?

The weather now:

Cold, showers, strong winds – and temperatures below 0 dgr. C the night between Saturday and Sunday 😦

I think my next post will be more summer photos!! 🙂

35 Comments leave one →
  1. October 8, 2011 12:40 am

    Truels, I love the winding road and your viewpoint. The warm weather is felt here in the US too. I’m afraid of the long term environmental effects of summer in October.


    • October 10, 2011 8:39 pm

      That winding path is well planned in nice surroundings. Our environmental tracks are probably not as well-planned………


  2. October 8, 2011 6:37 am

    It is warm here too Truels. But I know what eventually lies down that path – cold and ice!


  3. October 8, 2011 6:59 am

    Oh dear, Truels, just hang in there! I’m sure you have LOADS of spring-and-summer photos to post in the next months, to get you through those cold and snowy and icy winter months.

    Or, hey, I have a fabulous idea – you could come and visit South Africa and Namibia!! 😉


    • October 10, 2011 8:44 pm

      You can believe I would like to visit South Africa and Namibia! It is merely just the question of WHEN!?
      And if you’ll visit Denmark: Do it during the summer!


      • October 11, 2011 5:46 am

        Thank you for that tip, Truels!

        The best times to visit South Africa and Namibia are in our autumn (remember the seasons are the other way around in the southern hemisphere), from about March to May, when the weather has cooled down somewhat, and in spring, from about September to December, when the winter rains are over.

        If you like reallllly hot summers, you can also visit in summer from about December to February, which are the hottest months (about 30° or even hotter is quite normal).

        The Western Cape is a winter rainfall area, but the rest of the country gets its main seasonal rains (well, IF it rains) during the summer, when there can be some spectacular thunderstorms to clear the air.

        Namibia, as it is a predominantly desert country, does not get much rain – the most rain falls along the northern border with Angola. Summers in the south can be unbelievably hot (mid-to-late 30s and even early 40s), so I would not recommend visiting at that time unless you are quite tough. 🙂

        Namibia gets its main rainy season from about December to April (at least, when it does rain – this year was the wettest it’s been in … I don’t know, forever?). Rains often mean roads flooded and bridges washed away, especially in the more isolated (and thus more scenic and beautiful areas), which can make travelling a bit challenging.

        The rains also mean that the wild animals in the nature reserves and guest camps are less likely to cluster around the water holes – because there is enough water for them in the bush – so if you are into photographing animals, it can be better to go when it is drier. 🙂


        • October 12, 2011 6:06 pm

          Oh, thank you so much for your little guide here! I will look at it – and MUCH at your blog – before planning, when time comes!


  4. October 8, 2011 7:43 am

    Really nice photo. I think that when the path is winging, it makes it so interesting. The green in photo is making is “deeper” and more admirable.

    We have had here cold and rainy, but we had only one day warm. It was on September the 30th. having +21.5 Celsius. Some people went to the beach in Helsinki and swim.


    • October 10, 2011 8:50 pm

      Many people went to the beaches here those days too. Now it’s only the winter-bathers who are going to the beach!


  5. October 8, 2011 9:30 am

    Thank you for your visit and comment on my site.
    Sartenada from an area of Helsinki is here. I know his blogs and admirable abilities of languages 🙂
    Sunny greetings from the eastern part of Finland!


    • October 10, 2011 9:03 pm

      Mimmu, I’m glad I found your blog, I hope some of the folks reading this will have a look too 🙂


  6. October 8, 2011 1:14 pm

    I love the image of the long and winding road.

    Climate change is a scary prospect. Here in Nova Scotia (Canada) they are projecting the effects of a rise in the sea levels on downtown Halifax, and it’s not good.


    • October 10, 2011 9:05 pm

      We are 6 million people today are like a supertanker: Almost impossible to get to stop or change direction. But it IS possible!


  7. October 8, 2011 2:27 pm

    Same here, truels. After a few warm weeks of a real Indian Summer, Fall has arrived. Low temperatures (8-10°C), wind, rain. Warm pullovers coming out of the wardrobe, rain boots ready to walk on the muddy forest tracks. Your beautiful picture makes me feel like trying out your Danish woods 🙂


    • October 10, 2011 9:07 pm

      Isa, you will be very welcome here!!! But come in the summer 🙂


  8. Lotte Kampmann Olsen permalink
    October 8, 2011 3:15 pm

    Hej Truels.
    Ja, det var dejligt endelig at føle lidt sommervarme, den har der ikke været meget af i år. Men jeg ved at du har masser af varme sommerbilleder at “varme” dig på. Desuden byder efteråret på gode fotomuligheder med de mange flotte farver. Ser frem til at se endnu flere billeder her på siden.


    • October 10, 2011 9:14 pm

      Hej Lotte! Dejligt at høre fra dig 🙂 og fedt at du følger med her engang imellem. Skal du så snart en tur ned i varmen og have en “dykkert”?! Ja, det varer nok en tid inden jeg når til fotos fra Filippinerne her på bloggen….. Nu har jeg fået et rigtig ønske-job for mig i Den Gamle By (har du været der?) – og fået råd til at købe et nyt og rigtig godt kamera – så “desværre” kommer der nok mange fotos derfra nu, som står i kø for at komme ud i cyberspace 😉


      • Lotte Kampmann Olsen permalink
        October 11, 2011 11:17 pm

        Hej igen. Det varer et par måneder endnu inden der er afgang til varmen, jeg tager afsted igen i slutningen af februar – og glæder mig allerede. Denne gang går turen til St. Croix og det ser vi frem til.
        Det er rigtig mange år siden jeg har været i Den Gamle By, men lidt husker jeg da, men det lyder godt at du har fået job der. Så må jeg se om jeg kan genkende lidt af det fra dine billeder:-)


        • October 12, 2011 6:09 pm

          Ja der kommer også fotos fra Den Gamle by – på et tidspunkt…… I må have en rigtig god ferie på St. Croix, det lyder RIGTIG fedt at komme dertil, det kunne jeg også godt tænke mig.
          Hils dine forældre!


  9. October 8, 2011 5:14 pm

    Beautiful summery photo.
    I’ll take some of that cold weather, it’s still warm here, even during the night. It’s just cool enough in the mornings to need a light jacket over a t-shirt.


  10. October 8, 2011 6:01 pm

    Hi Truels

    It was so wonderful to enjoy the last, warm weekend for now 🙂

    Have a great weekend!


    • October 10, 2011 9:23 pm

      It was indeed. But fortunately autumn and winter are also fine for photographing 🙂


  11. October 8, 2011 6:45 pm

    Long and winding road path. Where does it lead us?
    You really have the eye for this Truels. Beautiful!
    The weather is always an interesting subject. I have been working on rebuilding my house for quite some time, and the weather has been ‘with’ me. My work ended wednesday, and the weather changed hours later.
    Remember to look for ‘stjerneskud’ tonight.


    • October 10, 2011 9:29 pm

      I hope the path is leading a good place! We had started to paint the woodwork and windows on the house this summer. It has been at a standstill a long time due to weather. But the last weekend with Indian summer weather was spent on painting!


  12. October 9, 2011 5:36 am

    So sad summer is ending for you. This lovely winding path looks like a great walk to enjoy the last of the summer days.


    • October 10, 2011 9:30 pm

      It was some nice days. I hope you’ll get a nice summer soon down there!!!


  13. October 9, 2011 7:19 pm

    We are also experiencing VERY warm October temperatures and I am NOT complaining! So nice to feel the warm sun on my face and shoulders. The critters seem to be enjoying it as well.

    Nice image! Love the winding path leading to wherever our imagination wants it to! 🙂


    • October 10, 2011 9:33 pm

      Unfortunately, it now leads to cold, windy and wet autumn 😦


  14. October 10, 2011 8:41 pm

    Looks like when your warm weather ended, ours began. Hope you don’t mind if we keep if for awhile. 😀 I’m with Tracy, that path holds mysteries.


    • October 10, 2011 9:36 pm

      I’m glad you like, that we have send the Indian Summer over to you 😉
      And the path – it just WANTED to be photographed!


  15. October 11, 2011 4:32 am

    Nice shot with that curving path to lead the eye.


    • October 12, 2011 5:58 pm

      Thank you, steve. I like your photos and will be back there again 🙂


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